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What Our Community is Saying
As a California teacher and practitioner of copyright for over thirty years, I’ve found Lesley’s research unerringly accurate and her copyright tips uncannily practical.
— Professor Arthur W. Campbell, California Western School of LawThank you for all you do on behalf of the Copyright Community. I am no longer gainfully employed in a copyright industry, but am very glad to have such a wonderful source of information at my fingertips. People still think I know about copyright, so to be able to follow changes in the law will be important to me for some time to come.
— John W. Irwin, Retired PublisherThe weekly LEH-Letter always has interesting and informative copyright items. Thank you so much!
— Ruth Tellis, Rights and Licensing Consultant, Rights2
The weekly copyright e-mail is written by Erin Gurski, CEO of